■ overseas
We have a branch office overseas in Tokyo.
■ abroad
I’m planning to study abroad next year.(来年は留学する予定です。)
■ foreign
I love trying foreign foods when I travel.
■ international
The company has an international presence, with offices in over 20 countries.
■ outland
The tribe lived in a remote outland area for centuries.
■ transoceanic
The transoceanic flight took over 12 hours.
■ ultramarine
The ultramarine sea was breathtakingly beautiful.
■ transnational
The company operates as a transnational corporation, with headquarters in one country and operations in multiple other countries.
■ external
The external factors that influenced the decision were beyond our control.
■ offshore
The company has several offshore bank accounts to manage their finances.
■ cross-border
The cross-border trade between the two countries has increased in recent years.
■ transatlantic
The transatlantic flight from New York to London takes about 7 hours.
■ extraterritorial
The embassy has extraterritorial rights, meaning it is not subject to the laws of the host country.
■ transcontinental
The transcontinental railway was completed in 1869.
■ alien
The government has strict regulations regarding the entry of aliens into the country.
■ non-native
As a non-native speaker, I sometimes struggle with English grammar.
■ expat
Many expats living in Japan struggle with culture shock at first.
■ immigrant
The family immigrated to the United States from Mexico when the children were young.
■ migrant
The farm hires migrant workers to help with the harvest each year.
■ cosmopolitan
New York City is known for its cosmopolitan culture and diverse population.